The Secret to our Success

Running a thriving business for 18 years, profitable and fully bootstrapped, we had to overcome a lot of challenges along the way. The only thing constant in business is change. We had to learn how to adapt, move quickly and maintain a super positive do-whatever-it-takes mindset through it all.

Our culture and core values have been the keys to our success. They remain mostly unchanged since our humble beginnings and will continue to serve our team for many more decades to come.

Our Core Values

  • 1. Positivity Always wins

  • 2. Consistent High Performance

  • 3. Accountability & Attendance

  • 4. Speed: Great beats Perfect

  • 5. Problem Solver: Do Whatever it takes

  • 6. Integrity & Fighting for what you believe in

  • 7. Relentless Repeatability: Document everything

  • 8. Commit to Flexibility & Ongoing improvement

  • 9. Excellent Communication Skills

  • 10. Reduce risk associated with any single potential failure

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